We help clients
move the boulders
holding them back.
We help clients
move the
boulders holding
them back.
Every company faces challenges that keeps them from putting their best brand forward. It might be audience blind spots, brand ambiguity, trouble determining the best of many opportunities, or simply getting the whole team on the same page. Collaboration breeds illumination when identifying solutions to obstacles. We bring client teams together to work through their challenges and set the stage for future success.
Whether initiated at the beginning of a client engagement or when unique needs arise, Experiences For Mankind hosts a range of strategic workshops to unstick our clients. We collaborate with stakeholders for a working session uniquely tailored to match the needs, timelines, actions, and outcomes they require.
Design Thinking, Empathy Mapping, Brainstorming, Decision Making, Priority Mapping, Business Strategy, Marketing Planning
Bringing B2B into focus
EFM and Rescu had together identified the audiences, personas, and messaging for consumer release of the emergency-response app. Next on their list was B2B audiences, but they weren’t set on where to begin and which of the many potential audiences to target.
To set off on the right foot, we held a workshop with Rescu and their supporting media agency to identify and prioritize the highest opportunity B2B audiences. Building on our initial audience and market research, we ran through a series of collaborative exercises to help their team identify the industries to target and the role of the person who would be their point of contact.
We then workshopped the opportunities to determine which audiences to prioritize based on marketing effort required versus business impact. Post-workshop, EFM drilled down into each target audience, creating complete personas and messaging guidance to help Rescu’s marketing team understand and effectively speak to these new opportunities.
Bringing B2B into focus
EFM and Rescu had together identified the audiences, personas, and messaging for consumer release of the emergency-response app. Next on their list was B2B audiences, but they weren’t set on where to begin and which of the many potential audiences to target.
To set off on the right foot, we held a workshop with Rescu and their supporting media agency to identify and prioritize the highest opportunity B2B audiences. Building on our initial audience and market research, we ran through a series of collaborative exercises to help their team identify the industries to target and the role of the person who would be their point of contact.
We then workshopped the opportunities to determine which audiences to prioritize based on marketing effort required versus business impact. Post-workshop, EFM drilled down into each target audience, creating complete personas and messaging guidance to help Rescu’s marketing team understand and effectively speak to these new opportunities.
Aligning client goals with customers’ needs
Microsoft ExpertZone is the primary learning platform for sales pros to understand the ins-and-outs of Microsoft products, as well as explore resources to help make their jobs easier. ExpertZone has spent a lot of effort working to enhance the design and experience of their LMS, yet there was opportunity to connect more directly to the unique learning needs of their two audiences–retail and wholesale associates.
EFM hosted online workshops with the ExpertZone team to clarify and formalize what had been unspoken knowledge and ideas about how the platform serves these audiences. Key to unlocking this was engaging the team in exercises that put them in the shoes of sales associates to better understand the demands and stresses they’re dealing with, and define what ExpertZone could promise in return.
Aligning client goals with customers’ needs
Microsoft ExpertZone is the primary learning platform for sales pros to understand the ins-and-outs of Microsoft products, as well as explore resources to help make their jobs easier. ExpertZone has spent a lot of effort working to enhance the design and experience of their LMS, yet there was opportunity to connect more directly to the unique learning needs of their two audiences–retail and wholesale associates.
EFM hosted online workshops with the ExpertZone team to clarify and formalize what had been unspoken knowledge and ideas about how the platform serves these audiences. Key to unlocking this was engaging the team in exercises that put them in the shoes of sales associates to better understand the demands and stresses they’re dealing with, and define what ExpertZone could promise in return.
Setting the stage for long-term success
As part of our ongoing relationship with Microsoft’s Retail Demo Experience program, we’re in constant communication—and production cycles—all year long. The strict retail deadlines, myriad moving pieces, and multiple teams involved mean there are a lot of details and competing priorities to work through, often with little time to determine where to focus efforts to improve the product and the process.
We hold bi-annual workshops with all program stakeholders—both internal and external—to surface key sticking points from the year. We then prioritize which areas most need attention and set goals for addressing them. Once established, we collaboratively brainstorm solutions breaking down each into the specific tasks needed to achieve them—including which team members are responsible for moving them forward.
Setting the stage for long-term success
As part of our ongoing relationship with Microsoft’s Retail Demo Experience program, we’re in consistent communications—and production cycles—all year long. The strict retail deadlines, myriad moving pieces, and multiple teams involved mean there are a lot of details and competing priorities to work through, often with little time to determine where to focus efforts to improve the product and the process.
We hold bi-annual workshops with all program stakeholders—both internal and external—to surface key sticking points from the year. We then prioritize which areas most need attention and set goals for addressing them. Once established, we collaboratively brainstorm solutions breaking down each into the specific tasks needed to achieve them—including which team members are responsible for moving them forward.
Prioritizing adaptive planning
Like any sovereign government, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians has a constantly evolving list of needs and investments. Which means the tribe’s small marketing team often find themselves in reactive mode and having to push longer term initiatives aside.
To help them navigate the expanding demands of the tribal council, we workshopped the tribe’s top priorities. From there, we identified what marketing initiatives could help achieve those priorities, including alternative, quick-hit options that could be called up if emergent demands sidetracked the team’s initial plan. And because the unexpected was always to be expected, we collaborated on a process and responsibilities to respond effectively as new marketing needs popped up throughout the year.
Prioritizing adaptive planning
Like any sovereign government, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians has a constantly evolving list of needs and investments. Which means the tribe’s small marketing team often find themselves in reactive mode and having to push longer term initiatives aside.
To help them navigate the expanding demands of the tribal council, we workshopped the tribe’s top priorities. From there, we identified what marketing initiatives could help achieve those priorities, including alternative, quick-hit options that could be called up if emergent demands sidetracked the team’s initial plan. And because the unexpected was always to be expected, we collaborated on a process and responsibilities to respond effectively as new marketing needs popped up throughout the year.