We inspired curiosity
to drive in-store sales.
Capturing consumer
Sony knew people would fall in love with its products. They just needed to take one for a spin. From VAIO laptops and HDTVs, to home and personal audio, the consumer electronics heavyweight wanted shoppers to get hands-on with its offerings at retail.
EFM created new ways for consumers to stop, look, and engage with Sony products in direct and channel retailer locations nationwide. Partnering with Sony retail teams, we launched in-store experiences that delivered on the brand’s promise to inspire curiosity from coast to coast.
Retail Strategy, Retail Campaigns, Product Launches, Graphic Production, Native Applications, Packaging Design, Video Production, Photography, Store-in-store, Asset Design, Content Development, POS Materials
In the world of retail, change is a constant. Whether it’s the holidays or back to school, each season comes with fresh challenges.
Floor mapping. New product launches. Audiences with short attention spans and high expectations. We managed all these things and more to craft in-store experiences that were as informational as they were beautiful.
Our team built everything from full campaigns, to seasonal refreshes and quick updates, collaborating regularly with Sony stakeholders across all product categories. Together, we set up an efficient, standardized process to support even the most last-minute of requests and ensure no details were missed—year after year.
No task too small,
no challenge
too great.
Digital-first shopping
We developed interactive applications for inline and endcap displays that invited shoppers to explore VAIO laptops, Sony Headphones, and more. Learning from every click, touch, and swipe, we continually refined the experience over multiple seasonal and campaign refreshes. Each iteration designed to meet the unique needs of retailers and users.
Beautiful displays aren’t always enough to draw shoppers in and tell the full story. From custom product footage to edited music video assets, we applied our understanding of retail behaviors to produce a wealth of audiovisual content that truly immersed customers in Sony retail experiences.
Spectacular sights
and sounds.
A partnership
full of possibilities.
Sony was always looking for opportunities to better serve customers, and never shied away from collaborating with our team early and often. As trusted partners tuned into the brand and its audience, we served as an innovation lab for updates to existing displays, new conceptual ideas, and everything in-between.
Partnerships are built on trust. EFM became the extended retail team for Sony because the brand knew it could depend on us to exceed expectations—every single time. Stepping into a store, there’s no better feeling than seeing all your hard work come alive for captivated audiences.