We lifted the Vision Council
into the public eye.
The Vision Council needed better visibility. The association was behind the most influential trade shows, research, and initiatives in vision care, but it struggled with awareness beyond its members. Looking to EFM for help, The Vision Council hoped to reach the broader optical community with an integrated brand campaign.
Moving Vision Forward was a full-scale brand advertising initiative with multiple objectives and even more moving parts. Running in tandem with the development of a website, among other elements, we produced video creative that engaged and educated audiences online and at events year-round. This overarching creative was then adapted for print, social media, and various targeted outreach efforts.
With simple, yet powerful messages and bold, colorful visuals, we helped new audiences see The Vision Council as the driving force for the future of vision care.
Channel Strategy, Web & Digital Design, Content & Messaging, Photography & Video, Digital Assets, Video & Motion, Shoot Direction