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As the first half of 2023 is coming to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. At the start of 2023, our Client Experiences team at EFM shared their guiding words for the year. My word was “Health,” and I aimed to encompass all aspects of my life, striking a balance between delivering exceptional work for my team and clients while also taking care of my physical and mental well-being. I am happy to report that I have been successful in maintaining this delicate equilibrium.

One of the main reasons I’ve been able to achieve this stability is that I’ve acquired a new skill — the ability to let go. When you care about your work, it’s easy to become overly invested in every detail and push yourself to the brink of burnout. But by learning to let go of the things that are beyond my control, I’ve been able to focus my energy on the things I can do in the present moment. This has not only helped me at work but in all parts of my life.

For years, I feared letting go would mean I didn’t care enough. But I’ve realized that the opposite is true. By focusing my attention on the things I can control, I’m able to deliver my best work while also taking care of myself. This change has allowed me to strike a healthier balance between work and life.

Previously, I worried about things and either focused on them or tried to ignore them. Neither approach was helpful as the former expended extra mental and emotional energy while the latter tried to change who I am as a person. This year, I subconsciously adopted a new approach that happens in a matter of seconds.

Whenever I have a concern –

  1. I acknowledge it
  2. Review what I have done
  3. Understand if I have done the best I can do within my role and responsibilities, and what is in my power to affect
  4. If I’ve done my best in the situation, then I let it go

I repeat these steps every time I have a worry, and gradually they lessen to becoming only thoughts that I can easily move on from. I realize that I can focus on them in the future when I have the power to make an impact in that circumstance.

While this may not be groundbreaking advice for everyone, it has been a significant shift for me, and I wanted to share my experience. I hope that it can inspire others who may be struggling to find their balance in 2023.

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